Sunday, January 4, 2015


For the first Video Sunday of the new year, I want to share a few variations on the classic "Niagara Falls/Slowly I Turned" comedy routine.

But first, a little history......

From Wikipedia:
"Slowly I Turned" is the most common name associated with a popular vaudeville sketch that has also been performed in cinema and on television. Comedians Harry Steppe, Joey Faye, and Samuel Goldman each laid claim to this routine, also referred to as "The Stranger with a Kind Face" by clowns and clowning aficionados, "Niagara Falls" by fans of The Three Stooges and Abbott and Costello, "Pokomoko", "Bagel Street", and "Martha" by the fans of 'I Love Lucy'.

Joey Faye (12 July 1909 – 26 April 1997) was a comedian and actor who was born Joseph Antony Palladino in New York City. He gained fame as a comic in vaudeville and claimed he created two of vaudeville's more renowned pieces of business, "Floogle Street" (a.k.a. "Susquehana Hat Company" on YouTube) and "Slowly I Turned".

In Toobworld, Joey Faye is known as "Doodles" Faye and he is accepted as the creator of the routine.  This was established in the "Good Old Burlesque" episode of 'Make Room For Daddy, in which Faye played himself.

So there's the story of the routine; at least in Toobworld, it's official.  Now here are some other versions of "Slowly I Turned":
And just for bleeps and giggles:

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