Thursday, January 1, 2015


(As it is now seen in Toobworld)

In the summer of 2009, the danger of flooding at the National Gallery in London prompted the museum to pack up all of their priceless treasures and store them in an old slate mine in Wales, just as Churchill had ordered the Blitz in WWII.

These two nippers, Dylan and Minnie Hughes, decided to steal one of the paintings by switching a similar yellow container (They are pictured here sitting on it.) with one of the authentic ones.  Their plan worked and the painting they scarpered off with was "Sunflowers" by Vincent Van Gogh.  (That was in the "original" timeline of Earth Prime-Time.  And by original, I mean the latest timeline since the last temporal reboot.)

By the following summer, Toobworld History had been changed once again by the meddling of the Doctor - and more significantly by his companion, Amy Pond.  They went back to visit Van Gogh just before he painted "The Church in Auvers-sur-Oise, View from the Chevet"  and vanquished an invisible alien that only Van Gogh could see.

Amy made such an impression on the artist, even putting the idea of painting sunflowers into his head, that he finally painted "Sunflowers" and added a little tribute to her.  

So from that point on, "Sunflowers" - at least in Toobworld - should have "For Amy" signed on the vase.....

We'll have to see if it should ever crop up again in a fictional setting.

"Framed" (August, 2009)
'Doctor Who' - "Vincent And The Doctor" (June, 2010)


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