Monday, January 12, 2015


From ABC News:
California Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer, a tenacious liberal whose election to the Senate in 1992 heralded a new era for women at the upper reaches of political power, announced Thursday she will not seek re-election to a new term next year.
Boxer's retirement sets off a free-for-all among a new generation of California Democrats, who have had few offices to aspire to while Boxer and Sen. Dianne Feinstein had a lock on the state's U.S. Senate seats.

A staunch supporter of abortion rights, gun control and environmental protections, Boxer has said she is most proud of the vote that she cast against the war in Iraq.

In Toobworld, Senator Boxer will make it into the Television Crossover Hall Of Fame as a member of the League of Themselves, thanks to the following appearances:
'Murphy Brown'
- Brown vs. the Board of Education (1994)
'Gilmore Girls'
- Those Lazy-Hazy-Crazy Days (2002)
 'K Street'
- Week 3 (2003)
'Curb Your Enthusiasm'
- The Anonymous Donor (2007)  
'Parks and Recreation'
- Ms. Knope Goes to Washington (2012)
 And I have no problem with adding these two appearances since both Kathy Griffin and Stephen Colbert present highly fictionalized personae of themselves on the Toob.
'The Colbert Report'
- Barbara Boxer (2006)
- Sen. Barbara Boxer (2009)
'Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D-List'
- Kathy Goes to Washington (2010)

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