Wednesday, October 8, 2014


The pilot episode of the new sitcom of 'Bad Judge' certainly didn't offer anything to make it worthy of the long-abandoned NBC phrase for Thursday nights: "Must See TV".  But neither did it present anything that would "condemn" it to life in some other TV dimension other than Earth Prime-Time.  It's presenting a watered-down version of bad behavior on the part of its main character, gamely played by Kate Walsh, without willing to run the risk of losing the audience's interest in her.

Depending on how well I can do to stay afloat and ahead of the game with the number of shows rapidly filling my DVR, I may stick with "Bad Judge" if for no other reason than Thursdays aren't offering up much else that might interest me.

However, 'Bad Judge' did expand the TV Universe with three new offerings for movies to be found only in Toobworld and even then only on Cinemax.  

The bailiff caught the judge and her psychologist lover en flagrante in chambers and compared it to some Cinemax movie which used the legal system as their subject matter.  The psychologist was familiar with a few of those flicks:

"Juror's Box"
"Sequestered Sisters"
"Witness For The Sexecution"

My Facebook friend Caeric ArcLight specializes in his own brand of TV Universe expansion with artistic renderings of posters and DVD cases (even vintage VCR boxes) for fictional movies.  Perhaps he might find inspiration in these.....?


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