Monday, August 4, 2014


Bret Maverick became a member of the Television Crossover Hall of Fame in July of 2007 as the TV Western inductee for that year.  The funny thing was, even though he was the first Maverick we met in Toobworld, it was his brother Bart who beat him to the punch - Bart was inducted into the TVXOHOF in August of 2001!

Bart's "induction ceremony" took place on the old "Tubeworld Dynamic" web site which was forced into retirement by AOL getting rid of the easy-to-use service.  So that's lost to the aether.  
However, you can still read about Bret's induction here.

His qualifications as of seven years ago were:
'Young Maverick'
'Bret Maverick'
"The Maverick Movie"

But since that time, I've learned that Bret Maverick also showed up in an episode of 'Sugarfoot'.  So that should be added to his tally.

Bret also appeared in the TV dimension of Skitlandia in a Bob Hope special as seen below.

And he is a true multiversal besides his appearance in the Cineverse - there were also the comic books!

And let's not forget the Little Golden Book......

But most tempting all to include in the TVXOHOF exhibit?

Maybe I should hang that over the entrance to the Western Wing.....


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