Thursday, May 22, 2014


Last year when Inner Toob was running the daily showcase for the League of Themselves, Shaaron Claridge was featured on July 30.  She was the voice you heard in every episode of 'Adam 12' as the police dispatcher.  Producer/star Jack Webb wanted that voice to have an air of authenticity and who better than an actual dispatcher for the LAPD?

She may not have been heard in every single episode's storyline, but she was always in the opening credits:

But that wasn't the only L.A.-based TV show in which Ms. Claridge made a vocal appearance as a police dispatcher.  

Here's a list of the others:

'Dragnet 1967'
"Public Affairs: DR-14" (1968) 

"A Push Over the Edge" (1971) 

'Lou Grant'
"Housewarming" (1977) 

'Columbo'"Make Me a Perfect Murder" (1978) 

In a perfect Toobworld, it should just be accepted that all of those shows are in the same reality, in the City of Angels to be found on Earth Prime-Time.  But a trivial link like the voice of Shaaron Claridge makes it a legitimate connection.

And that's why Shaaron Claridge is one of our inductees into the Television Crossover Hall of Fame this month.

Welcome to the Force, Ms. Claridge!


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