Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Huey Prentice was a member of a jazz combo in Kelly Gregg's high school and he had a sister named Samantha.  (But everybody called her Sam.)

After granduation, Sam Prentice moved to New York City in order to continue her education at Hudson University.  In order to support herself while there, Sam took a job at a telephone reception company where it often felt as though she exclusively worked for private detective Richard Diamond.

Eventually, Diamond moved his operations to California, but Sam remained in New York.  (Sam must have made quite an impression on Richard Diamond, because his next operator was also named Sam.....)

She got a job as the receptionist for Drew Patton, publisher of Emperor magazine.  (Drew didn't hire her for her natural beauty, he would claim.  He hired his personal assistants because they were the best at what they did.  But Sam did have incredible gams!)

All of these characters were played by Mary Tyler Moore, making this her third character in the Television Crossover Hall Of Fame. 
'Bachelor Father'
- "Bentley and the Combo"
Huey's Sister (as Mary Moore)

'Richard Diamond, Private Detective'
- "The Runaway"
- "Bookie"
- "Act of Grace"
- "Two for Paradise"
- "Charity Affair"
- "Matador Murder"
- ''The Sport" 

Sam / Sam #1

'The Dick Van Dyke Show'
- "The Man from Emperor'' 

The 'Law & Order' franchise

Three different TV series that can be linked by the participation of Mary Tyler Moore, with a fourth thrown in as a gimmee.

And that's why Sam Prentice is another May Queen being inducted into the Television Crossover Hall Of Fame.....

Remember, this is our fifteenth anniversary and what I say, goes!

Welcome aboard, Sam!

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