Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Usually, the Television Crossover Hall Of Fame has an April induction that is dedicated to the noble calling of "the Fool".  And that's not necessarily a pejorative term.  In Shakespeare, the Fool is often the wisest character.  And it's an umbrella term that could encompass the twits, twerps, idiots, clowns, and yes, the foolish.

But this year, we went a different path and inducted an April for April - the first female U.N.C.L.E. agent to be known as April Dancer.  (It's the 15th anniversary for the Hall, so what I say, goes.)

But Toobworld Central has another policy as well in which worthy candidates for membership are added right away upon news of their passing.  Which is why we're inducting the late, great Mickey Rooney into the Hall's League of Themselves wing.......

"Once In A Wattle"
[See top of page for picture]


"There Must Be a Pony" (TV Movie)

"Senior Trip" (TV Movie)

'The Lucy Show' 
"Lucy Meets Mickey Rooney"

'The Jack Benny Program' 
"Modern Prison Sketch" 

'The Phil Silvers Show'
"Bilko Presents the McGuire Sisters"

'December Bride' 
"The Mickey Rooney Show"

He even showed up as himself in the Tooniverse:

'The Simpsons'
"Radioactive Man"

And although he didn't give voice to his other "Tooniversion", his appearance in 'Family Guy' has to count as well for that dimension......

Good night and may God bless, Mr. Rooney.  You will be missed.

Dingy Bell, it tolls for three.....

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