Thursday, June 27, 2013


Salon has published a list of fifteen ways 'Mad Men' could end next season - whenever next season is.

But I've got one of my own.

A body actually falls out the window to the sidewalk of Madison Avenue below.  We finally see the prophecy fulfilled.

I know.  Matt Weiner has heard that hundreds of times already.

But I think everybody suggests it as being Don Draper who's falling - accidentally or deliberately.

I think it would be deliberate.  But not a suicide.  It was murder.

And not of Don.  

Don is the murderer.

Whoever is falling - Pete, Roger, Duck, Bob Bensen, Freddie Rumson - they were tossed out that window by Donald Draper.

I'm more than likely wrong on this.  But if he's going to be the monster that Peggy claimed he was, he might as well go all the way.


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