Tuesday, April 16, 2013


'Mr. Lucky'
"The Leadville Kid Gang"

Three old pensioners living at the State Pioneers home in Saguaro had only recently been released from nearly half a century of incarceration in the state prison.  They had been train robbers at the turn of the century known as the Leadville Kid Gang:

Joe Horn- Raymond Hatton

Billy Gregg (now known as "Uncle Billy Gregg) - Burt Mustin

and the Leadville Kid - Will Wright

We never learned the real name of the gang's leader, so it's easy enough to make the claim that he was the brother to any one of the many characters played by the character actor on other TV shows.

Some options would be:
  • Mr. Skinner of 'Willy'
  • Mr. Thompson of 'Mr. Ed'
  • Oliver on 'The Donna Reed Show'
  • Plus a handful of characters each from 'Perry Mason' and from 'The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet'
But my two top choices would be Mr. Merrivale on 'Dennis the Menace' and Ben Weaver from 'The Andy Griffith Show', with me leaning more towards the owner of Weaver's Department Store in Mayberry.

One character not in consideration would be Rob Petrie's biological father from 'The Dick Van Dyke Show', only because we don't know what his real name was either.  (He may be listed as Sam Petrie in the credits, but he was never addressed as such in the show.)

This "game of the name" could be played with Will Wright again, as there were several characters of his in different shows who were simply known as the Justice of the Peace.  Each of them could be the same man......


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