Friday, March 29, 2013



From Wikipedia:
Reeva Rebecca Steenkamp (19 August 1983 – 14 February 2013) was a South African model. On 14 February 2013, she was shot dead by Olympic and Paralympic athlete Oscar Pistorius, whom she had been dating since November 2012.

Steenkamp once worked as the live roaming presenter for FashionTV in South Africa.

She starred in television advertisements for a range of products, including Toyota Land Cruiser, Clover "The One", Redds and Aldor Pin Pop.

She featured as a celebrity contestant on the BBC Lifestyle show 'Baking Made Easy' in 2012.

At the time of her death, Steenkamp was signed up to appear on season five of the reality TV programme 'Tropika Island of Treasure' and had filmed the series episodes on location in Jamaica. The screening of the series began airing as scheduled on 16 February 2013, two days after her death. The first episode of the series was dedicated to Steenkamp and was preceded by a video tribute to her.

Steenkamp had been dating Oscar Pistorius, a South African Olympic and Paralympic runner, since November 2012. On 14 February 2013, Steenkamp was shot and killed at the home of her boyfriend Oscar Pistorius. Pistorius was arrested and charged with her murder.

'Tropika Island Of Treasure V'


Although reality competition shows like this are considered part of Toobworld, we usually ignore them unless the participants or the show itself is worked into the plotline of a scripted series.  Best example - 'Big Brother' in an episode of 'Yes, Dear'.

But because of the notoriety of this case, it is sure to be referenced for years to come, mostly in crime dramas I would assume.  (But then again, all these years later, TV characters do use OJ Simpson as the punchline in their dialogue in sitcoms.)  I would not be surprised if Ms. Steenkamp's murder is at least referenced, if not ripped off from the headlines and twisted for some South African version of 'Law & Order'.

I would not be surprised if this tragic story eventually becomes fodder for a TV movie.  The televersion of Reeva could always find a home in some alternate TV dimension, but I think her League of Themselves membership entitles her to remain as herself in the main Toobworld.

Good night and may God bless......

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