Thursday, January 31, 2013


The cast has been announced for the behind-the-scenes docudrama about the creation of 'Doctor Who' and the production of the first episode, "An Unearthly Child".  David Bradly, who appeared on 'Doctor Who' last year in "Dinosaurs On A Spaceship", will be playing William Hartnell who was the first actor to play the Doctor.  Brian Cox ('Deadwood', 'Kings') will be playing the man usually credited with coming up with the concept, Sidney Newman.  (He's a little too craggy for the role.  Had this been made decades ago, Patrick Newell, who played Mother on 'The Avengers', would have been perfect.)

And Sacha Dhawan, whom I know from the NBC sitcom 'Outsourced', will be portraying Waris Hussein, who directed that first episode.  I'm glad to hear this bit of the story because I thought Dhawan was one of the better elements in 'Outsourced'.  It looks like he was able to crawl from that wreckage (not that I found it so bad) and is moving to bigger and better opportunities.

Filming will begin in February and the project will be broadcast in connection to the fiftieth anniversary of 'Doctor Who'.

As for it's position in the Toobworld Dynamic, although there is a TV series based on the Doctor's life (to eliminate all of the Zonkish mentions of the series in other shows), this will be treating the series as totally fictional.

We can't have that.

So this will join other TV movies about the production of classic TV shows like 'Dynasty', 'Three's Company', 'Steptoe and Son' etc.


Toobworld Note:
This was my 8500th post!!!

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