Monday, October 15, 2012


Earlier this year, the TV Crossover Hall of Fame began a new policy of inducting members of the League of Themselves - if they qualified - as soon as possible after learning of their deaths. Being the only Caretaker here at Toobworld Central, I can't rely upon my memory anymore to keep them in mind for the usual month for people who appeared as themselves in Toobworld (March).

A few days ago Gary Collins passed away at the age of 74.....

From the L.A. Times:
Gary Collins, 74, an actor who was the host of the syndicated TV show "Hour Magazine" and a former master of ceremonies for the Miss America Pageant, died early Saturday in Biloxi, Miss. Collins died of natural causes soon after arriving at Biloxi Regional Medical Center, Harrison County Coroner Gary Hargrove told the Associated Press.

After his military service ended he landed a starring role in the 1965 sitcom "The Wackiest Ship in the Army" and followed with regular roles in the TV series "Iron Horse," "The Sixth Sense" and "Born Free." He also had a string of guest star appearances in popular prime-time programs.

It was his hosting duties on 'Hour Magazine' and the Miss America Pageant which gave Gary Collins enough appearances on other shows as his own televersion. And because one of those shows incorporated 'Hour Magazine' into the plot, then that series has more "oomph" in the mosaic of the TV Universe.

Here's a rundown of those other shows:

'Gimme A Break' - "Second Chance Parts 1 & 2"
Nell appeared on 'Hour Magazine' to sing a song written by an ex-con.

'Friends' - "The One Where Phoebe Hates PBS"
Gary Collins hosted a pledge break telethon on New York's Channel 13.

'Dharma & Greg' - "I Did It For You, Kitty"
Collins hosted a beauty pageant for mature women in San Francisco.

'Dead Like Me' - "Reapercussions"
Gary and his wife, former Miss America Mary Ann Mobley, can be seen in an infomercial for a belly reducing product, which ends up killing people......

And like I said, his hosting duties on 'Hour Magazine' and the 'Miss America Pageant' should also be included since they've both been incorporated into other shows over the years, even if only in passing references.

Here are some clips of Gary Collins as his own televersion.....

(Even though it's rife with "Zonks", I chose that particular clip from 'Hour Magazine' for my cousin's wife (cousin-in-law?) Denise Hansen.  She's an avid fan of 'Days Of Our Lives'.  That other Zonk-fest with Alan Young and Connie Hines?  That was for me!) 

So it may not be much, but entry into the TV Crossover Hall Of Fame is my small way of honoring an actor I always enjoyed. (I was a big fan of 'The Wackiest Ship In The Army' and 'The Sixth Sense' when I was younger.)

Good night and may God bless....

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