Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Since there are so many Dr. Frankensteins and Frankenstein's Monsters in Toobworld, I couldn't just leave the listings at only four (counting Herman and Charlie Munster). So here's an episode of 'Tales Of Tomorrrow' which puts the spotlight on a Dr. Frankenstein from the 1950's........

1 comment:

  1. Mike Doran1:16 PM

    Not to distract or anything, but have you ever heard the story about this live TV Frankenstein?

    Prior to this show, Lon Chaney Jr had never done a live television broadcast.
    Chaney prepared for the show as he had for many performances in the past, at the nearest available tavern.

    You'll note that during the first half of the show, Chaney as the monster is awfully careful not to bust up the furniture, as would normally be the custom in a production such as this.

    That's because Lon thought it was the final dress rehearsal - which he had in fact missed, being off downing a few stiff belts of "preparation".

    During the commercial break, the stage manager got to Lon and told him that this was the live show, airing on the entire ABC network (which back then was about a dozen stations, tops), and that he was allowed to break things per the script.

    And that's why Chaney is more in the spirit of things during Act II.

    Legends Of Live TV, for your entertainment.
