Friday, August 31, 2012


It's a little choppy, but here's the family tree for Paul Garret of 'Centennial', Colorado.  (For instance, James Lloyd and Charlotte Buckland should be connected; Prudence Wolf and Martin Zendt should be connected; and Red Wolf and Pale Star should be connected.)

With the TV series, a generation is skipped near the end.  Paul Garrett becomes Charlotte Buckland's grandson rather than great-grandson.



  1. Actually the tv series is confused at the last installment, because David Jansen, who plays "Paul Garrett" continually refers to Charlotte & Jim Lloyd & Mesmore Garrett as his great grandparents. However Sydney the writer, played by Sharon Glass refers to him as their grandson. He needs to be a great-grandson, in order to tie him back to the Zendts through Martin and thus, Levi, Lucinda, Clay Basket & Pasquinel. Thanks for Clarifying.

  2. Actually the tv series is confused at the last installment, because David Jansen, who plays "Paul Garrett" continually refers to Charlotte & Jim Lloyd & Mesmore Garrett as his great grandparents. However Sydney the writer, played by Sharon Glass refers to him as their grandson. He needs to be a great-grandson, in order to tie him back to the Zendts through Martin and thus, Levi, Lucinda, Clay Basket & Pasquinel. Thanks for Clarifying.

  3. Anonymous7:46 PM

    There is a glaring error. Prudence Wolf is shown as being born in 1866 and her daughter Pale Star Zendt is shown as born in 1874, making the mother 8 years old when the daughter was born.

  4. Anonymous7:25 AM

    And in the TV series, Jim Lloyd refers to Beeley Garrett marrying Jim and Charlotte's daughter Nancy

  5. Anonymous11:09 PM

    There's another error. Jim Lloyd's date of death on the FT is 1924. He was alive in 1933, at the time of the arrest of Triumfidor Marquez's son (for running a place of entertainment without a permit.)

  6. Anonymous8:10 PM

    Dont forget that Lucinda McKeag is the biological daughter of the trapper Pasquinel and Clay Basket of the Arapaho indian tribe(daughter of Lame Beaver)
    Pasquinel is the common ancestor on both sides of the Paul Garrett tree.
