Saturday, July 7, 2012


Andy Griffith's first major character was Will Stockdale in "No Time For Sergeants". With this role, Andy proved to be a real Multiversal character. Based on the book by Mac Hyman, it was first adapted into a TV special episode in 1955. Then the script was filled out for a Broadway production with Mr. Griffith once again assaying the role. And then it became a feature film - and who else could have done the part of Stockdale than You Know Who?

Here's Mr. Griffith discussing "No Time For Sergeants":

Now even though this next clip belongs in the Cineverse, I'm including it because it marks the first time Andy Griffith ever worked with Don Knotts:

Finally, I played this on July Fourth when we showcased Will Stockdale as the "ASOTV" character for the day. But I have a good reason for including it again......

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