Tuesday, April 24, 2012


I should have written this up weeks ago.....

In the first episode of 'Touch', a Japanese girl asked her friend:

And since both 'Touch' and 'Heroes' were created by Tim Kring, I'd like to think that he meant that Ando's full name was Ando Masahashi, as seen in 'Heroes'.

However, he's the Ando of the "original" Toobworld timeline* - before Future Hiro came back and created a new timeline. Once that happened, the TV show followed Peter Petrelli and pals along that new timeline.

Usually when the timeline is rebooted, the Toobworld Dynamic follows along. As major a change as that could be, the differences are only noticed in the relevant series. (Like the loss of Claudia Brown in 'Primeval'.) However, since the changes to Toobworld in the new 'Heroes' timeline were so seismic (a new President of the United States, for example) that it had to be abandoned for the greater good.

The greater good.....

So for Earth Prime-Time, Ando Masahashi never developed powers of his own. But his friend Hiro may still be traveling the timestream. At any rate, we can at least expand Ando's family tree with this cousin named Takezo.....


* "Original" being a relative term when the timeline is being changed all the time in shows like 'Primeval', 'Star Trek', 'Hitch-Hiker's Guide To The Galaxy', and of course, 'Doctor Who'.....

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