Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Near the end of the month, I'll be participating in another blog-A-thon, this time celebrating Fredric March. My experience with the 'Dick Van Dyke Show' bog-A-thon (I just like typing that!) hosted by "Thrilling Days Of Yesteryear" (link to the left, March Hares!) was so enjoyable I was hoping I'd stumble across another one which I could take a swing at.

Either I'm about to disappoint you, or reassure you, but I won't be going overboard like I did for the 50th anniversary of 'The Dick Van Dyke Show'. Doing one marathon of posting a year is enough for me and I'll stick to 'Doctor Who' on New Year's Day for that. No, I'll only have the one post for the weekend of March 24 & 25 celebrating Fredric March in Toobworld. Mr. March didn't do enough TV to offer me enough of a variety to choose from, but what I've decided on is cherce. And I'll be using the daily "As Seen On TV" showcase as the focus..

Hopefully I can get down to the Paley Center this week in hopes that they have what I'm looking for.....

At the very least, my commitment to this project has spurred me to finally order a printer/scanner combo for the Toobworld Central offices....

So here's some background on the March-In-March blog-A-thon: It will be hosted by the blog "Sittin' On A Backyard Fence" and will run March 15 - 31. Other bloggers will be showcased each day during the run on that site while the free-for-all, in which my humble offering will be made, happens on the last full weekend.

To learn more, to see what other blogs will be involved, and find out which of Mr. March's movies will be showcased, click on the logo's caption above....


1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for participating and for featuring March-in-March on your blog. Look forward to reading your post!
