Monday, February 20, 2012



'True Blood'

Anna Paquin

Charlaine Harris

From Wikipedia:
Sookie Stackhouse is the fictional protagonist and narrator of Charlaine Harris' "The Southern Vampire Mysteries" and the main character in HBO's television adaptation, 'True Blood'.

Sookie is a telepathic barmaid from Louisiana who is in her mid-twenties at the beginning of the "Southern Vampire Mysteries" series.

Orphaned at the age of seven after her parents died in a flash flood, Sookie and her brother Jason were raised by their paternal grandmother, Adele. For most of her life Sookie experiences her telepathy as a "disability" that isolates her from other people. Her childhood is marred by the loss of her parents and sexual molestation suffered at the hands of her great-uncle.

Aside from her grandmother and brother, Sookie has a cousin named Hadley, with whom she was close in their early years. Other family that play an important role in Sookie's life are her fairy great-grandfather, Niall Brigant, her fairy cousins, Claudine, Claude, and Claudette, and her uncle Dermot. After her cousin Hadley dies, she discovers that her cousin had a son, Hunter, who shares Sookie's telepathic abilities.

For much of her story, Sookie lives alone in the home her grandmother raised her in and willed to her. From time to time Sookie shares her home with various people, including Amelia Broadway and her fairy cousin Claude. Sookie's main source of income is her position as barmaid at Merlotte's, a local bar owned by [[Sam Merlotte]; however, Sookie is occasionally hired as a telepath by her supernatural acquaintances.

"The Southern Vampire Mysteries", also known as "The Sookie Stackhouse Novels", is a series of books written by bestselling author Charlaine Harris that were first published in 2001 and now serve as the source material for the HBO television series 'True Blood'. The series has been retronymed the "True Blood Series" upon reprinting to capitalize on the television adaptation.

In "The Southern Vampire Mysteries" series, Harris develops a detailed mythology and alternate history that approaches supernatural beings as real; at the beginning of the series, vampires have only been public knowledge for a couple of years. Other supernatural beings, such as werewolves, shapeshifters, etc., exist but do not go public until later in the series. Its history has otherwise unfolded so closely to that of the real world that the series contains occasional references to popular culture.

The series is narrated in first person perspective by Sookie Stackhouse. She is a waitress and a telepath in the fictional town of Bon Temps, Louisiana. The first book in the series, "Dead Until Dark", won the Anthony Award for Best Paperback Mystery in 2001. The eleventh book, "Dead Reckoning", was released on May 3, 2011. Harris was originally contracted to write 10 books, but she revealed at Comic Con 2009 that she has signed a contract for three additional books.

From the source:
You can tell I don’t get out much. And it’s not because I’m not pretty. I am. I’m blond and blue-eyed and twenty-five, and my legs are strong and my bosom is substantial, and I have a waspy waistline. I look good in the warm-weather waitress outfit Sam picked for us: black shorts, white T, white socks, black Nikes.

But I have a disability. That’s how I try to think of it.

The bar patrons just say I’m crazy.

Either way, the result is that I almost never have a date. So little treats count a lot with me.

And he sat at one of my tables—the vampire.

I knew immediately what he was. It amazed me when no one else turned around to stare. They couldn’t tell! But to me, his skin had a little glow, and I just knew.

I could have danced with joy, and in fact I did do a little step right there by the bar. Sam Merlotte, my boss, looked up from the drink he was mixing and gave me a tiny smile. I grabbed my tray and pad and went over to the vampire’s table. I hoped that my lipstick was still even and my ponytail was still neat. I’m kind of tense, and I could feel my smile yanking the corners of my mouth up.

He seemed lost in thought, and I had a chance to give him a good once-over before he looked up. He was a little under six feet, I estimated. He had thick brown hair, combed straight back and brushing his collar, and his long sideburns seemed curiously old-fashioned. He was pale, of course; hey, he was dead, if you believed the old tales. The politically correct theory, the one the vamps themselves publicly backed, had it that this guy was the victim of a virus that left him apparently dead for a couple of days and thereafter allergic to sunlight, silver, and garlic. The details depended on which newspaper you read. They were all full of vampire stuff these days.

Anyway, his lips were lovely, sharply sculpted, and he had arched dark brows. His nose swooped down right out of that arch, like a prince’s in a Byzantine mosaic. When he finally looked up, I saw his eyes were even darker than his hair, and the whites were incredibly white.  

``What can I get you?” I asked, happy almost beyond words.

He raised his eyebrows. ``Do you have the bottled synthetic blood?” he asked.

``No, I’m so sorry! Sam’s got some on order. Should be in next week.”

``Then red wine, please,” he said, and his voice was cool and clear, like a stream over smooth stones. I laughed out loud. It was too perfect.

``Don’t mind, Sookie, mister, she’s crazy,” came a familiar voice from the booth against the wall. All my happiness deflated, though I could feel the smile still straining my lips. The vampire was staring at me, watching the life go out of my face.


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