Sunday, February 12, 2012


After a week of fairy tales while I was on vacation, I hope you won't mind one last one.  At least it's not set in Storybrooke, Maine (but Belle will be showing up there tonight - Feb. 12).....

"Beauty And The Beast"

Belle - Trish Van Devere
Beast - George C. Scott

Marie Le Prince de Beaumont

Earth Prime-Time

(Original & Deceased)
From Wikipedia:
"Beauty and the Beast" (French: "La Belle et la Bête") is a traditional fairy tale. The first published version of the fairy tale was a rendition by Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve, published in La jeune américaine, et les contes marins in 1740. The best-known written version was an abridgement of her work published in 1756 by Jeanne-Marie Le Prince de Beaumont, in "Magasin des enfants, ou dialogues entre une sage gouvernante et plusieurs de ses élèves"; an English translation appeared in 1757.

Variants of the tale are known across Europe. In France, for example, "Zémire et Azor" is an operatic version of the story of Beauty and the Beast written by Marmontel and composed by Grétry in 1771. It had enormous success well into the 19th century. It is based on the second version of the tale.

"Amour pour amour", by Nivelle de la Chaussée, is a 1742 play based on Villeneuve's version.

George C. Scott turned in a made-for-TV rendition in 1976, which aired as part of the "Hallmark Hall of Fame". Scott was nominated for an Emmy for his performance.

In 1984, Shelley Duvall's 'Faerie Tale Theatre' aired "Beauty and the Beast" starring Klaus Kinski and Susan Sarandon. The script, sets, makeup and costumes were based on the 1946 film.

'Beauty and the Beast', which owed as much to detective shows and fantasy fiction as to the fairy tale, originally broadcast from 1987 to 1989. This was centered around the relationship between Catherine (played by Linda Hamilton), an attorney who lived in New York City and Vincent (played by Ron Perlman), a gentle but lion-faced "beast" who dwells in the tunnels beneath the city. Wendy Pini created two issues of a comic-book adaptation of the TV series. The series was cancelled when ratings fell after Hamilton decided to leave the show at the end of the second season.

HBO's 'Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales for Every Child' did a version of the story set in Equatorial Africa.

Both ABC and the CW have ordered pilots for television shows based on the classic fairy tale.
At noon she found dinner ready, and while at table, was entertained with an excellent concert of music, though without seeing anybody. But at night, as she was going to sit down to supper, she heard the noise Beast made, and could not help being sadly terrified. "Beauty," said the monster, "will you give me leave to see you sup?"

"That is as you please," answered Beauty trembling.

"No," replied the Beast, "you alone are mistress here; you need only bid me gone, if my presence is troublesome, and I will immediately withdraw. But, tell me, do not you think me very ugly?"

"That is true," said Beauty, "for I cannot tell a lie, but I believe you are very good natured."

"So I am," said the monster, "but then, besides my ugliness, I have no sense; I know very well, that I am a poor, silly, stupid creature."

"'Tis no sign of folly to think so," replied Beauty, "for never did fool know this, or had so humble a conceit of his own understanding."

"Eat then, Beauty," said the monster, "and endeavor to amuse yourself in your palace, for everything here is yours, and I should be very uneasy, if you were not happy."

"You are very obliging," answered Beauty, "I own I am pleased with your kindness, and when I consider that, your deformity scarce appears."

"Yes, yes," said the Beast, "my heart is good, but still I am a monster."

"Among mankind," says Beauty, "there are many that deserve that name more than you, and I prefer you, just as you are, to those, who, under a human form, hide a treacherous, corrupt, and ungrateful heart."

"If I had sense enough," replied the Beast, "I would make a fine compliment to thank you, but I am so dull, that I can only say, I am greatly obliged to you."

Beauty ate a hearty supper, and had almost conquered her dread of the monster; but she had like to have fainted away, when he said to her, "Beauty, will you be my wife?"

She was some time before she dared answer, for she was afraid of making him angry, if she refused. At last, however, she said trembling, "no Beast." Immediately the poor monster went to sigh, and hissed so frightfully, that the whole palace echoed. But Beauty soon recovered her fright, for Beast having said, in a mournful voice, "then farewell, Beauty," left the room; and only turned back, now and then, to look at her as he went out.



  1. Anonymous8:14 PM

    I found a couple of sites that actually have this dvd if anyone is interested

  2. available on DVD here
