Monday, October 3, 2011


So there's a Toobworld version of 'The Dick Van Dyke Show' which is different from, but covers the same subject material as, the original series from our own world. Sometimes the plot lines are the same, based as they are on events that happened in "real life". And they could have the same dialogue, based on the recollections of those people who were involved.

The spaceship in which the bots Crow, Gypsy and Tom Servo were stranded in space with first Joel and then Mike apparently has every episode of that series stored in its data banks. And its from that resource that Crow and Tom Servo accessed the needed information to toss off their bon mots while watching really bad movies.

Here are some of the references made about 'The Dick Van Dyke Show' by Joel, Mike and the bots......

"Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Mad Monster (#2.3)" (1989)
- Joel: "Cheese it, it's Alan Brady."

"Mystery Science Theater 3000: Santa Claus Conquers the Martians (#4.21)" (1991)
- As the Martian leader walks into his home, the guys sing the theme from this show

"Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Beatniks (#5.15)" (1992)
- Crow, Joel, and Tom hum "The Dick Van Dyke Show" theme music.

"Mystery Science Theater 3000: Attack of the the Eye Creatures (#5.18)" (1992)
- "Rob and Laura are calling"

"Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Rebel Set (#5.19)" (1992)
- Crow: "Forbidden dance of Laura Petrie"

"Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Girl in Lovers' Lane (#6.9)" (1993)
- Joel: "Laura Petrie, no!"

"Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Brain That Wouldn't Die (#6.13)" (1993)
- Crow: "Hey, what's Millie Helper doing here?"

"Mystery Science Theater 3000: Santa Claus (#6.21)" (1993)
- Servo: It's Rob and Laura.
"Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Skydivers (#7.9)" (1994)
- Mike: The Laura Petrie line of fashion.

"Mystery Science Theater 3000: Bloodlust! (#7.7)" (1994)
- Servo: It's Rob and Laura's bedroom.

"Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Undead (#9.6)" (1997)
- Mike: (As Mel Cooley) Rob, I'm telling Alan what you're doing.

"Mystery Science Theater 3000: I Was a Teenage Werewolf (#9.9)" (1997)
- "This is a really bad episode"

"Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Projected Man (#10.1)" (1998)
- Crow: "Kind of a combination Buddy Sorrell/Bilbo Baggins"

"Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Phantom Planet (#10.2)" (1998)
- Servo: Laura Petrie, you are charged with treason.

"Mystery Science Theater 3000: Hamlet (#11.9)" (1999)
- Ophelia: There's Rose Marie. Servo: And Morey Amsterdam.

A big thanks to the for hosting those quotes!


The title is a play on the poem by Edgar Allen Poe. It's also a pun based on the last night of one of the writers for 'The Dick Van Dyke Show'.

Hey, I didn't say it would be funny.

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