Sunday, April 17, 2011


A friend of mine is looking for a few British TV shows on DVD (playable in an American DVD player, that is) or at the very least, a reliable bit torrent site that might have the shows available for download.

He's looking for 'Hotel Rescue' with Susan Watson and 'Hotel Inspector' with Alex Polizzi.

I realize this may be an impossible request; I had a hard time just finding some decent video clips to illustrate what he wanted!

Here are some highlights from 'Hotel Inspector' showing Alex Polizzi in action. I think you'll figure out why a lot of guys tune in....

Trust me. That is NOT why my friend wants the show.....

If you know of any way he can get his hands on these two series, as many seasons as possible for each, feel free to contact me here at Toobworld Central......


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