Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I forgot to give an answer to my "Place the Face" ("NYPD Mug Shot") post from Friday......

That was Tom Aldredge as a shopkeeper whose store was burgled. Aldredge was seen last year in 'Boardwalk Empire' as Nucky Thompson's father, and he played Carmela's father in 'The Sopranos'. Recorded for broadcast and available on DVD, he played the Storyteller and the Mysterious Man in "Into The Woods".

The reference to his late wife was to Theoni Aldredge, an award-winning costume designer.......

I'll have another "Mug Shot" on Friday.


1 comment:

  1. Don't think I ever heard of Tom Aldredge...but Theoni Aldredge--her I knew. Well, kinda. I met her once.
