Sunday, January 23, 2011


For this Sunday's edition of Video Weekend at Inner Toob, I was going to do a video post that might splain away the presence of Richard Hurndall as the First Incarnation of the Doctor (as seen in "The Five Doctors".) But then I realized that would be perfect for the "Who's On First" celebration next New Year's Day. (Besides, the whole point of Video Weekend is to avoid heavy cerebral lifting.....)

So instead, here's a fun - and short - bit o' wish-craft on the part of some 'Doctor Who' purist who has his own views on the subject of Richard Hurndall's participation.....


1 comment:

  1. the video guy's grammar sucks, but very funny.

    I always thought Hurndall did a good job. Easy enough to 'splain away the facial differences in the Whoniverse.....
