Friday, October 8, 2010


At some point in the last few days, a TV series mentioned a security company called "Black Lodge Protection". I wrote down that name for a possible Inner Toob post*, but I forgot to write down the show it came from. Now I'm at a loss as to where I heard it.

Anybody out there can help me out on this?


*I'm sure there are those out there who can figure out where I'd be going with it.....


  1. I'm pretty sure it was S1E2 of "Undercovers." It the company the baddies worked for. They killed the people they were supposed to protect, kidnapped a scientist, and forced her to build a bomb.

  2. Yes! Andy, thank you! I must have been drawing a blank on that show as I mentally reviewed all the dramas I watched from last week - I eliminated from consideration the sitcoms, 'Boardwalk Empire' (It couldn't be a period piece or antyhing from before the Blackwater scandal), and 'The Inspector Lynley Mysteries'. My mind got stuck on 'Castle' but Jason Beghe was playing an ex-cop turned bounty hunter. (And I wouldn't even have bothered copying it down if it was 'Castle' - different TV dimension.)

    But yes, 'Undercovers'! The two brothers left that company to go rogue.....

    Andy, thanks for coming through for the team!

  3. Yep--I caught that one! (although I won't be watching Undercovers any more--just don't think it's very good) And of course I know where you're going, Toby...
