Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Actor James Gammon passed away the other day at the age of 70. In Toobworld he may be best known for playing Nash Bridges' father (even though he was only nine years older than Don Johnson!) Toobworld Central has always toyed with the idea of claiming that Paladin of 'Have Gun Will Travel' was Nick Bridges' grandfather. There was something similar to their looks and builds and the San Francisco locale helps as well.

My favorite role of his was in an episode of 'In The Heat Of The Night", which was a condemnation of capital punishment. It's his performance in that which stays with me to this day of all his work.

I met him a few times at work, where he'd like to hang out after doing a show down the street at the Atkinsson theatre. I think it was "Buried Child", but I could be wrong.....

As a tip of the pith helmet in his memory, Inner Toob's "As Seen On TV" gallery puts the spotlight on one of James Gammon's historical characters.....


'The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles'

James Gammon

From the 'Young Indiana Jones Chronicles' wiki:
After [Teddy Roosevelt's] second term as president had completed in the spring of 1909, he and one of his sons, Kermit, traveled to British East Africa on a hunting expedition to help collect animal specimens for the Smithsonian Institution. They were joined by big game hunter Frederick Selous. Roosevelt brought along his weights for weight training in the camp.

In September, Roosevelt's camp received some guests, Richard Medlicot and the Jones family. Roosevelt was impressed with young Indiana Jones, teaching him to fire a gun, and the importance of conservation, and how this hunt was important in bringing education to America through the museums that would benefit from stuffed animals. Giving the boy a pair of binoculars, Roosevelt encouraged Indy to explore and witness nature. One night, over a game of checkers, Roosevelt agreed to allow Indy to help solve the mystery of the Burton's fringe-eared oryx. Indy was presumed lost the next day and Roosevelt led the search parties. When Indy appeared in the evening, Roosevelt sternly rebuked him in front of his parents. However, the next morning at breakfast, Roosevelt was pleased when Indy and Meto had discovered where the oryx was to be found, and the scientific reasoning that Indy provided as to why so few where around.

Roosevelt and his crew followed Indy and Meto to the oryx's grounds, and shot three of the creatures before being stopped by a pleading Indy. Realizing that his young friend was distressed, he stood down his rifle and rationalized to the hunting party that Indy was right -- there were too few of these creatures to kill any more of them.

Indy kept a photo of himself and Theodore Roosevelt in his journal.

Good night and may God bless, Mr. Gammon.


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