Monday, April 19, 2010


Here are two roles played by Matthew Marsh, better known here at Toobworld Central as CIA agent Bob Hogan in 'Spooks' ('MI-5'). (His American accent was so good to my ear that when I looked him up in the IMDb, I was surprised to find that he was British.)

"The Street" .... Bob Hewitt
- Episode #2.2 (2007)

"The Thick of It" .... Simon Hewitt
- Episode #1.2 (2005)

I'm not sure how Bob Hewitt figured in a story about a taxi driver named Eddie who found himself in financial straits; but Simon Hewitt was a journalist who cited a member of the government for being out of touch with the real world.

But this much is clear: it's easy enough to make the claim that the two men were twin brothers. Exact same looks, same last name, and best of all, both of them were one-shot roles in their respective series.

So as an uncomfirmed theory of relateeveety, Toobworld Central considers both shows to be linked.


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