Friday, March 12, 2010


Now that Toobworld Central has presented the theory that the use of the Wilhelm Scream on television is a signal that the evil entity known as Redjac is leaving a dying body, we can track its progress through Toobworld.

The last time we knew where it was, Redjac was fleeing the body of a criminal as he fell out of a cable car in Canada. We picked it up next in South America:

O'Bviously there's a pattern here: Christopher Chance just happened to be near by when a Redjac-possessed man met his maker. It could be that Redjac is using Chance as a carrier, like Typhoid Mary, without 'The Human Target' even knowing about it.

Otherwise we'd have to find some other reason. And since the Wilhelm Scream has been used in every episode of 'Human Target' so far, we can't chalk it up to Coincidence.

Eventually Redjac has to make its way to Kiev, but until then we can track it - but only after it abandons its last victim.....



  1. Anonymous12:20 AM

    Pretty cool. But running with your idea, I'd say Chance wasn't so much a carrier as Redjac was a tagalong. You get Redjac inside Chance and he'd have killed Maria behind the bar when he had the chance....

  2. Anonymous12:21 AM

    Sorry about the word play with "chance"....
