Saturday, July 18, 2009


I'm always finding strange patterns in the Hat Squad list each year, those who have passed away who had connection to television.

Just this year, we've had Molly Sugden and Wendy Richard, both from 'Are You Being Served?'; Patrick McGoohan and Ricardo Montalban, both on the same day and both having played murderers on 'Columbo'.

Walter Cronkite and Irving R. Levine both passed away in 2009; Cronkite just yesterday. But they have more in common than just being newsmen. They both appeared in a 'Murphy Brown' episode from November of 1989 - "Roasted", the ninth episode of the second season.....


1 comment:

  1. It is sad that we have lost two of the greats in the field of television journalism. What I loved about both Messrs. Cronkite and Levine is that they seemed very personable. And they were both capable of making the average person understand complex subjects--Mr. Cronkite with the space programme and Mr. Levine with economics. Sadly, I don't think today's journalists are nearly as good, although they raised the bar pretty high.
