Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Sky One, a satellite channel over in Great Britain, has apparently dropped their plans to do a remake of 'The Prisoner' in partnership with Granada TV in favor of a remake of 'Blake's 7', the sci-fi cult series from the late 1970s.

This would probably be a "re-imagining" (a currently popular phrase in TV production) similar to 'Battlestar Galactica' and 'Bionic Woman'. However, this may be one of those rare instances when the remake is housed in the main Toobworld while the original is shunted off to an alternate dimension.

It all depends on who their "Big Bad" will be.....

The original series was about a group of freedom fighters on the run from the evil Federation. Now if Toobworld is supposed to be a fictional universe shared by as many TV shows as possible, then 'Blake's 7' had to go off to the evil mirror universe. That's because the Federation should be an alliance of niceness, as an intergalactic Maxwell Smart might say. Since their Federation is evil - EVILLLLL! - then the mirror universe has to be its home. (Ironically, the evil mirror universe was made most popular in the various 'Star Trek' series.)

If the crew of this new series is being hunted down by any other name for the "Big Bad", then it can come fly the friendly skies of Toobworld. Otherwise, it may have to join the same dimension shared by 'Battlestar Galactica' and 'The New Monkees'......

Toby OB

1 comment:

  1. Maybe they have, maybe they haven't. Still waiting to find out...
