Wednesday, December 5, 2007


I have no idea in which TV dimension he resides, but there's a Santa Claus out there in the TV Universe who has committed a felony this year!

As seen in the holiday blipvert for Mercedes Benz, the jolly old elf has built himself a new Mercedes Benz 4matic Sedan. There are counterfeit product squads in police departments across the country who have probably never seen a case like this on such a scale.

I'd suggest that maybe he's the Santa Claus of the Evil Mirror Universe made popular in the various 'Star Trek' series, but it's more likely that Santa is our recent inductee into the TV Crossover Hall of Fame. As played by Art Carney, it seems that every time we saw his Kris Kringle, the darkest of human nature was seen at work.

Toby OB

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