Sunday, October 21, 2007


On November 1st, 'CSI' and 'Without A Trace' will go back to back with a two-part crossover. The story is about a kidnapping victim from NYC who went missing six years before, and who may be the same boy who's now a victim in Las Vegas. The teams from both shows join forces to solve the mystery.

The episode title for the 'CSI' half is "Who & What", while the second part on 'Without A Trace' will be entitled "Where & Why". (Or was that "Why & Where"?)

Here's a promo shot from the crossover to give you a little taste....

Toby OB

My thanks to fellow "Iddiot" Dr. Bobt for giving me a heads-up on the info and picture.....

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:11 AM

    Hey Toby,

    Just wanted to keep you updated. I looked all over the net for this info and everyone has the same date. I checked my TiVo and these shows were missing.

    TV Guide has this episode on the cover of their magazine (at least via the internet) along with an interview. Anyway, long story short... it is airing NOVEMBER 8TH.

    I Love CSI and for those that love it too I want to make sure you don't miss it.

