Monday, November 13, 2006


My list o' links grows larger all the time. Today I've added five more which can be found in various spots up and down the dial, as it were.

KCET: Life & Times Blog
This is a blog about life in Los Angeles from the big TV station out there.

Jack Myers' Media Village
This was more a correction than an addition. The old link went only to one blog in particular, The Daily Monitor, which is now belly-up. Media Village is a collection of TV-oriented blogs, which is great - saves me from having to add them all now that they're housed under one roof.

TV MD Checkup
WebMD will look at medical issues depicted on TV and analyze how close to reality they come.

Ask Ausiello
Michael Ausiello is the Snapple-lovin', Smurfette-gropin' columnist for TV Guide who has all the best scoops for his faithful Aus-holes. This link replaces the one that used to be the umbrella link for all the TV Guide columnist, which TV Guide - in its infinite murdochian wisdom - chose to disable.

The Heldenfiles Online
Rich Heldenfels is the TV critic for the Beacon in Ohio.

There has been a bit of re-shuffling as well, and a few links dropped. Hopefully I have them all better clustered for your perusal.

(Actually, I did it for my benefit. Hopefully it works for you as well.)


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