Friday, October 13, 2006


After reading about the upcoming ESPN miniseries showcasing the 1977 championship Yankees (which stars John Turturro and Oliver Platt), it revived my dream for an even better miniseries which could be made from the curse-busting season of the 2004 Boston Red Sox.

"They were down three games to none
Against the New York Yankees for the League championship,
And then they won eight straight
Benjamin Linus

And my "wish-craft" was answered this week with the report that HBO is in the initial stages of development for an eight episode miniseries about the Beantown Boys' year-long run to the World Series title.

(However, there’s no script yet, and the spokesfolk at HBO said that they don’t discuss projects that are “in development.” )

This miniseries would have everything! Curt Schilling's ankle; Pedro Martinez and his dwarf good luck charm; Jimmy Fallon and Drew Barrymore filming their movie in the middle of the celebrations; Johnny Damon as Christ figure (although now he's a Judas).

Maybe even the musical stylings of Bronson Arroyo.

Who knows? Maybe Dr. Jack Shepherd will get off the 'Lost' island in time to see it, and relive what he missed because of the plane crash.

However, I've got my doubts that he's even getting out of this current six episode mini-season alive......


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