Sunday, September 3, 2006


I really liked Callie Thorne in 'Homicide: Life On The Street', but if her character of Sheila perished in that beach-house fire, I'm down with that. She was way too psychotic and always threatened to derail the show from its balancing act between humor and drama.

The way she played it, you never know which side she was striving for.

Besides, I think she'd be served much better as an actress if she remained with the show as one of the ghosts in Tommy's mind. And it would be nice to see her interact with the actor playing her dead husband Jimmy Keefe.

And if she was killed off, it would set in motion an idea I mentioned a week ago or so here:

Even if Sheila dies in that fire, Tommy will most certainly survive - who really feels that can possibly be in doubt? And as part of his survivor's guilt, he'll take in Sheila and Jimmy's son Damian as his ward.

Living in the Gavin apartment will keep Damian in close proximity to his second cousin Colleen.... and the twisted family roundelay will pick up with a new generation.

Just sayin' is all.....


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