Friday, August 25, 2006


Off to the left, my ever-expanding list of links has gained two new members today: "TV Bloggin'" and "The Medium Is Not Enough".

The entire run of my links have some basic divides: TV Crossovers, TV News Sites, Blogs by those in the Biz, TV Critics, Fan Blogs, TV Info Sites, Fictional Blogs, and Sites focused on one particular TV Obsession.

After that, they're just tossed in there in no particular order. So no one should think that their particular site is considered less important than those listed above theirs. It's just that I wanted to create the sense of "Channel Surfing" among the sites.

But just to list my druthers, here are the sites I HAVE to check everyday:

Tommy Westphall's Mind
TV Squad
TV Tattle
Lee Goldberg's Site
Bryce Zabel's Site
Ken Levine's Site
Thrilling Days Of Yesteryear
Brent's "I Am A Child Of Television"
What's Alan Watching?
Roger Catlin, TV Eye
Maureen Ryan's The Watcher
Spoiler Fix
Trivial TV
and John Kenneth Muir's site.

I think Rob Buckley's "The Medium Is Not Enough" will be added to that mix.

Many of the others, like Pop Culture Junk Mail and Siftin' and Musty TV, I check every couple of days. Same with many of the critics. And of course the TV Info sites are there for when I need to research my posts, like with the Pluto essay earlier today.

So hopefully you'll check out these sites as well if you have an interest in televisiology. They're well worth the side trips!


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