Thursday, October 27, 2005


Now that Harriet Miers has at last fallen on the sword, can we hope for a TV movie reenactment of the disaster in her nomination to be a Supreme Court Justice?

To a conspiracy-minded fellow such as myself, it's o'bvious that she had to withdraw today in order to deflect attention from the coming indictments in the "Plamegate" scandal. After all, the White House has already gone to the terror threat well far too many times when things were looking badly for those krelboynes.

But the real hook to lure in the viewers for the Harriet Miers story? Sorry, my theory is actionable and I'm not going to mention it here.

Now, as to the casting for the movie.... Well, Timothy Bottoms as George W. Bush is the only logical choice for Toobworld. But for Harriet Miers?

Two weeks ago, recommended Amy Sedaris from 'Candy With Strangers', and the resemblance between her character of Jerri Blank and Bush's law-puppy is kind of scary.

But I'd go with someone who has more name recognition for the home viewers in Middle America. I'm not normally interested in the real world backstage details of TV production, but if I'm producing this sucker, I'm going for the ratings!

And that's why I'm nominating Swoosie Kurtz.

Hopefully she won't withdraw herself from consideration until my Toobworld Inner Circle Jerks are about to be indicted.......


*Thanks to Shapnet for suggesting the headline.

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