Wednesday, June 1, 2005



It's been pointed out to me that I didn't choose the Crossover of the Week for last week as I usually do on Sunday or Monday. It's true - well, actually I have one; it's just that the death of Eddie Albert and the semblance of a Life over the holiday weekend pushed it out of the cramped quarters of my mind.

I've decided to go the Reality Show route this week, much as I loathe the genre. But how could I resist when it came to "Romber", the team of Rob Mariano and Amber Brkich? Eventually they'll best Trista and Ryan for being the first reality couple inducted into the TV Crossover Hall Of Fame because they got in their three required appearances together first. (Trista has three, but Ryan only 'The Bachelorette' and their televised wedding.)

Rob and Amber were on separate series of 'Survivor' before coming together (hey! hey! Don't go there!) on the 'All-Star' edition. And then they turned the 'Amazing Race' on its head - to the point where it was being debated during the course of the show as to whether they were ruining the concept or invigorating the program.

And finally, this past week, the couple extended their combined fifteen minutes of fame by exchanging their vows before those assembled and those viewing at home on a special 'Rob And Amber Get Married'.

Like I said, I hate the reality show genre. (Although I will admit that I did love the first season of 'Survivor'.) But I will give "Romber" their props for keeping themselves in the public eye without provoking too much contempt towards them.

(Hey, I can't say the same for that 'Chaotic' couple - ugh. Words can cause trouble and I don't want my thoughts about them to come back to haunt me, so I won't say anymore about them upon advice from legal counsel. But given enough time, I hope to be able to print my derisive laughter towards them.)

So let us raise our goblets of brefnish to Rob and Amber. As they say in the native country of Latka and Simka Gravas, Necrement has brought you two together in nik nik, and we here at Toobworld Central just want to add... "Bushkalay!"


Ah, to hell with it. The guy in "Chaotic" is a yaktabe and his more-famous wife is a kakbolt!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe you're actually talking about reality TV. I mean, if you're going to talk reality TV, at least let it be Donald Trump, who you have to admit is a total character all on his lonesome.
