Thursday, September 30, 2004


If there's one thing this televisiologist takes great delight in, it's finding like-minded souls on the web who celebrate the fantasy of Television as an alternate universe.

In my enthusiasm for the new ABC series 'Lost', I've been surfing about the internet in search of more information and pictures and opinions on the series. And in doing so I've found "Second Tour Of Finland", a website that celebrates the fictional rock band "Driveshaft" which had castaway Charlie as its bassist.

But rather hearing me ramble on, let me share a message from the folks who run STOF:

Hello once again from the Completely Crazy and Entirely Insane People Responsible for Second Tour of Finland, The Unofficial DriveSHAFT Website.

Jill and I have been overwhelmed with the positive responses we've received since we launched the site last week. Thanks so much to everyone who took the time to stop by and take a peek into the totally twisted workings of our imaginations.

And since we apparently don't know when to stop, we have created a Live Journal Community, so that fans everywhere can come together and chat about All Things DriveSHAFT. Looking for guitar tabs? Searching for a bootleg from their legendary gig at the Barrowlands? Interested in coordinating a fan meet at an upcoming concert? Need to know once and for all exactly WHAT Charlie is singing in "Everybody"? Wondering if Second Tour of Finland has been updated recently? Then this is the place for you.

driveshaftband. [] Come. Join. Drive. Shaft. Rock. On.

And speaking of updates to STOF, we've made several changes in the past week.

First and foremost is our new domain name. No, it's not It's the much more manageable And we've brought Zap on board, who has been touring with the band since the early days, to add a little behind-the-scenes flavor. We've also added some newly-discovered concert and album reviews. And as the weeks pass, we hope to receive more feedback and creative input with regard to The Search For Charlie.

Thanks again to everyone for your support, as well as the tremendous restraint it must have taken to not call the authorities when it became clear how far we'd actually gone.

Rock on,
ruidoso and jillybinks

I don't think they're far gone at all. I think they're as normal as I am.

Hey! Put down that phone!


Ask for it by name!

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