Sunday, September 19, 2004


Jennifer Lopez didn't add anything to her standings in the League of Themselves, that hardly exclusive club of folks who portray fictionalized versions of themselves on TV. She's already appeared as herself on this aging gay chucklefest, which already made the connection to her job as a Fly Girl on 'In Living Color'. So this return gig was a case of Been There Done That.

Spread the booty - er, bounty, JLo. Show up on some other programs where you can play yourself. HBO has two possibilities: 'Curb Your Enthusiasm' and 'Entourage'. The late, great 'Action' would have been a fantastic place for you to shine as well.

Next week, Janet Jackson appears on the show as herself, and I'm surprised more shows haven't landed her a guest spot as her own self even before her wardrobe malfunction at the Super Bowl earlier this year. Not that her nip-mishap will be mentioned during her appearance. The producers figured that after all this time, it's a case of Been There Done Tit For Tat.

In other news concerning the League of Themselves, Harry Dean Stanton joins Sean Penn and Elvis Costello in Charlie's group for male bonding. And he came away with the better reviews from several TV critics. With that deadpan delivery and off-kilter undercurrent to his personality, he should be utilized more often as a himselfer.

(Note to self: don't use that word. Sounds like what you call a masturbator in temple......)


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