Saturday, August 28, 2004

Gavel to Gavel Grovel

Having just published an essay about 'Jack & Bobby', I found this interesting little news item about the show's promotion:

~~The WB plans to sprinke the Republican Convention with campaign buttons for its new political drama 'Jack & Bobby'. The show is the story of the young McCallister brothers---one of whom will go on to be president in 2041.

At the GOP convention this week, the WB will be handing out "Bush 2004, McCallister 2040" buttons to Republican delegates, and papering the confab with fliers and placards. Net did it during the Democratic convention in Boston last month, using Kerry instead of Bush. 'Jack & Bobby' also is being promoted with screenings on Capitol Hill.~~

So picture me down on my knees. No, really! I can do it. I just may need a little help getting up afterwards, that's all.

If you know of someone who's a delegate to the convention, or are even one yourself, I'd be eternally - very - ever so! - grateful if you could snare me one of those buttons.

I realize this early in the life of the Toob's World blog, the chances are slim that somebody is out there reading this who has the connections to make this happen.

But as they say in the commercials for the New York Lotter: "Hey! You never know!"


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